Carter Photographics

Stock Photos

What's Available: Most of the photos in the portfolio section of the website are available as a stock photo for purchase, with the exception of the Architectural Portfolio, which is only available for those involved in the project.

There are several stock scenic photos from the mountain towns of Grand County (Winter Park, Fraser, Tabernash, Granby, Grand Lake, and Hot Sulphur Springs), and Rocky Mountain National Park, as well as other areas in Colorado and the West. The photos available for stock also includes black and white and panoramic photos.

Pricing for Stock Photos: Stock photos are available to purchase as high resolution digital files or giclée prints. We are currently working on the pricing structure and options. Stay tuned for pricing or email Tim or call 970.531.2031 for details.

Scenic photo taken by Carter Photographics
Photo of Shadow Mountain Lake taken by Carter Photographics
Tim Carter | 970.531.2031 | 2801 Hawthorn Ave. | Grand Junction, CO 81506 |
2010 © Carter Photographics | Website Design & Maintenance by Firebird DesignWorks